Swarovski Elegance of Africa SCS Annual Edition 2023 Cheetah Baby Jabari
Adorable yet full of power, this dazzling figurine is a fine addition to the Elegance of Africa collection. The design depicts a baby cheetah called Jabari – a name that means “fearless”, and one that suits its confident spirit. The cub has been wonderfully crafted using a beige colorway that symbolizes the warmth of the savannah grasslands, while exceptional detail can also be seen through the tear-shaped stripes from eyes to mouth and the spotted fur that is detailed to the highest level of mastery. Display this piece to celebrate the wonder of nature in your home, or pair the cub with its mother Mehira to expand your collection. Designer: Martin Zendron - Item# 5636484 - Height: 2 7/8 inches - Width: 3 5/8 inches - Length: 1 1/4 inches
 $530.00 |  $330.00 |  $530.00 |  $400.00 |
 $215.00 |  $235.00 |  $525.00 |  $295.00 |
 $529.00 |  $325.00 |  $199.00 |
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